Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thursday/Friday, February 5/6, 2015


Today in class we talked a lot about fraternal twins, identical twins, clones, sexual reproduction, and asexual reproduction. We also reviewed the article about the Jim twins where two identical twins were separated at birth but grew up identically. They had the same name, their wives had the same name, both divorced, and basically long story short everything in their lives were identical. 

Finally we reviewed activity 57 and started activity 58. For homework we had to play a game about cloning where we went through a simulation on how to clone a mouse named Mimi. Second, we have watched at least two videos on cloning and filled out a google form on what the video was about, what you have learned, and question we have for the next class. Finally we have to summarize a list of procedures for activity 59.

Finally a little article on how researchers helped the cellular DNA of mice communicate more efficiently and in the process made a two year old mice become 6 months old. In humans years that's like a 60 year old becoming a 20 year old. So scientists think they found the fountain of youth.

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